Scripps Mesa Endodontics We will do our very best to accommodate your emergency patients. Same day appointments are available. Please call us at 858.564.8546 and we will be happy to assist you. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our team and services that we offer. Our success is built on a trusting relationship we have with our dental colleagues. Please let us know if you have any special requests. Our priority is to work with you in any way possible to promote a cohesive relationship for the care of our mutual patients. Let me take this time to personally invite you to Scripps Mesa Endodontics. Links of Interest Case Difficulty Assessment Form
9888 Carroll Centre Rd., Ste. #120
San Diego, CA 92126
P / 858.564.8546 F / 888.514.1239
Hours: Monday-Thursday 7 AM-5 PM, Friday-Closed
American Association of Endodontists
American Dental Association
California Dental Association
American Medical Association
Medical Matrix
Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment Article
AAE Case Difficult Assessment Form & Guidelines
Forgoing Effective Alliances for Quality Patient Care